Repenting of mistreating the parents after their death


Q: Will Allah forgive a person who used to disobey and mistreat his parents until they died while they were angry with him? This man repented to Allah and asked for his forgiveness regretting what he did in the past. Will Allah forgive the sins of a man who commits Zina (adultery) with another man's wife and fears to ask forgiveness from this husband who might kill him?

A: Repentance from all sins is obligatory and Allah will forgive all sins committed on the part of (Part No. 25; Page No. 236) a certain person if his repentance is sincere, as Allah (Exalted be He) says, Say: “O ‘Ibâdî (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allâh: verily, Allâh forgives all sins. It is prescribed for whoever disobeys and mistreats his parents until their death to increasingly supplicate Allah for them if they are Muslims, pay money in charity on their behalf and pay their debts if they are indebted without bequeathing any money to be used in paying such debts, as well as executing their legal wills if they had any.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
