Ruling on lump sum paid against relinquishing leasehold


A: In case a person hires a house, a flat, or a fair for a certain period; it is permissible for them to rent it out to another person for the rest of the concerned period. This can be done for little or much money provided that no injustice is involved. However, in case a person's hiring period has already expired, it is impermissible for them to rent out the concerned house, flat, or fair unless they get permission of the owner thereof. Otherwise, the received rent is considered Haram (prohibited) regardless of it being little or much. This is because after the expiry of the period of rent, the house becomes the absolute right of its owner and thus any person benefiting from it without the consent of the owner is tantamount to assaulting the rights of the latter which is forbidden and considered devouring others' properties unjustly. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
