Ruling on performing Wudu' using drain water after it is refined


Q: Some places in Saudi Arabia and in other countries recycle sewage water and reuse it to irrigate and cultivate lands, water trees, and so on. Sewage water purification plants vary in their capabilities to filter impurities, (Part No. 5; Page No. 83) and also in the types of companies that supervise these stations in Jeddah and Riyadh, for instance, in the Kingdom. After recycling the drain water that we are asking about the ruling on, it becomes so pure that it is impossible to detect the difference between it and regular drinking water. Is this water pure? Can we use it in performing Wudu’ (ablution), washing our clothes and body, removing Najasah (ritual impurity), and can we drink it?

A: All praise be to Allah Alone, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family and Companions. To proceed: If the reality is as you mentioned, that the sewage water becomes pure after recycling and purification so that the color, smell, and taste of Najasah that contaminated it are removed, then it is Tahur (pure and purifying) and does not defile anything it touches. It is permissible to use in irrigation, cleaning one’s body, clothes, place, performing Wudu’, Ghusl (full ritual bath), and the like. It is also permissible to drink, unless it is proven that it is harmful to the health. In this case, it should be avoided to protect oneself from harm, not due to it being Najis (ritually impure).May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions.


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