Ruling on saying: 'I swear that I will commit an unlawful action'


A: If this person intends by "I swear that I will commit an unlawful action" his wife, this is considered as Zhihar (a man likening his wife to an unmarriageable relative). Thus, he is obliged to perform the Kaffarah (expiation) for Zhihar, which is freeing a slave. If he can not do this, he should fast for two subsequent months before having a conjugal relationship with his wife. If he can not do this, he should feed sixty Miskins (needy), assigning to each of them half a Sa` (1 Sa1= 3 kg) of food that equals one kilo and a half.If he did not mean his wife, he is obliged to perform the Kaffarah for an oath. In this case he chooses between freeing a Mu'min (believer), feeding or clothing ten Miskins. If he could not find any, he should fast for three days.If he used to say it with no intention, he is not obliged to do anything because it is idle talk. (Part No. 11; Page No. 326) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
