Ruling on severing ties of kinship to avert an evil


Q: We live in the district of Sitarah in Al-Aflaj. We have an uncle who dislikes us and is fond of gossiping and backbiting. One day, he visited a family and backbit about my father, mother and brothers and sisters. He told people that we do evil deeds, which is not true, to make those people hate us. He likes to sow enmity and hatred between us and other people. Six months ago, we severed the ties of kinship with him; we can neither greet nor respect him. The following is an example of his evil behaviors. One day, my father who used to invite some relatives, was absent. My mother, not to break this tradition, invited those relatives including this uncle. During this visit, my uncle accused my mother of practicing magic with my father to make the latter hate my uncle. (Part No. 25; Page No. 338) Because of this incident, we hate him so much. Fortunately, our relatives who attended this invitation love us and keep good relations with us. In response, they did not believe in what he said; rather they treated him badly and made him leave before the visit was over.My question is: Are we sinful if we sever the ties of kinship with him? How can we greet this person or deal with him? Please help us know what we should do and say about him. May Allah reward you with the best!

A: Maintaining the ties of kinship is obligatory and cutting them is prohibited. However, if you think that you serve an interest by severing these ties with your said uncle due to his evil deeds with you, there will be nothing wrong with that.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!
