Ruling on the Sufi order called Al-Qadyaniyyah and their alleged prophet


Q: I hope you can explain the ruling on the Sufi order called Al-Qadyaniyyah and their alleged prophet Ghulam Ahmad Al-Qadyany I ask you kindly to send me any books related to this order as I am very interested in studying it.

A: The Prophethood ended with Muhammad (peace be upon him), and there is no prophet after him. This is authentically proved by the Qur'an and the Sunnah, and whoever claims otherwise, or claims Prophethood, then he is a liar. Foremost among those people is Ghulam Ahmad Al-Qadyany whose claim of Prophethood is nothing but falsehood, and so what his followers claim in this regard is also falsehood.In the light of the above, the Council of Senior Scholars issued a decree regarding Al-Qadyaniyyah as a Kafir (disbelieving) sect for their claims.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
