Ruling on urinary incontinent patients


Q: I heard from a brother that whoever suffers from urinary or gas incontinence has to perform Wudu' (ablution) shortly before each Salah. If this is true, what is the evidence for it? Does the person who suffer from urinary incontinence have to perform Istinja' (cleansing the private parts with water after urination or defecation) for each Salah? Does he have to remove the Najasah (ritual impurity) in the piece of cloth he placed to prevent drops of urine from staining his garment? (Part No. 4; Page No. 245) If it is Friday Prayer, should he wait until the Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer) is about to finish the second sermon then perform Wudu'? Is it permissible for him to perform Wudu' at home then go to the Masjid (mosque)? As regards to wiping over Khuffs (leather socks), shoes or regular socks, if the person who suffers from urinary incontinence finished Zhuhr (Noon) Prayer then put on his Khuffs or the like, is it permissible for him to wipe over them for the next Salah?

A: When the time of Salah (Prayer) is due, the person who suffers from permanent urinary incontinence must first perform Istinja', then place something on his penis to absorb the drops of urine, then perform Wudu' and offer Salah, and so on for every Salah. The evidence for this is the Statement of Allah (Exalted be He): So keep your duty to Allâh and fear Him as much as you can This is also because the Prophet (peace be upon him) ordered the woman who suffered from Istihadah (abnormal vaginal bleeding outside the menstrual or post-partum period) to place a piece of cloth and perform Wudu' for every Salah. It is permissible for a person who suffers from urinary incontinence to wear Khuffs and wipe over them until the end of the fixed period, based on the generality of Islamic proofs. And Allah knows best.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
