Ruling on using cologne and alcohol for medical purposes


Q: Is it permissible to use perfumes, deodorants, toothpastes, ice creams and shampoos that contain alcohol? What about soap that contains lard? Is Khamr (intoxicant) impure in the same sense as urine? What about meats or cheeses that are mixed with the fat or blood of pigs, even if it is in slight proportion? I need your advice because I have been assigned to study in America. (Part No. 22; Page No. 118) One of the American Muslim students warned me against these things.

A: The basic ruling is that things are lawful and pure. It is not permissible for a person to say that something is unlawful or impure unless there is legal evidence. Once you are certain that the meat or cheese is mixed with the fat or blood of pigs, it is not permissible for you to eat them. The Qur'an, the Sunnah (whatever is reported from the Prophet) and the Ijma` (consensus of scholars) prohibit pork. Likewise, Muslim scholar's unanimously agree that lard has the same ruling as pork. However, if you do not know that it contains lard, it is permissible for you to eat from it, according to the basic ruling, which states that things are lawful unless there is evidence to the contrary.Perfumes and substances that are mixed with alcohol to the extent that they become intoxicating are considered impure substances just like intoxicants. The majority of scholars regard them as impure.Consequently, they must be avoided if they are mixed with alcohol to the extent that they are intoxicating.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
