Sawm of a liver patient


Q: A person suffers from hepatitis and the doctor ordered him to refrain from Sawm (Fast) in order to take the medicine and because of his inability to observe Sawm. He says that he can walk to the Masjid (mosque) and the hospital. Is it permissible for him to break Sawm under these conditions?

A: If the reality is as mentioned by the person requesting the Fatwa; he suffers from hepatitis and the doctor orders him to break Sawm, if the doctor is honest, trustworthy, and well-experienced in his field, then his advice to the patient to refrain from Sawm is legally recognized and approved. (Part No. 10; Page No. 195) He is the only person who knows well the nature of this disease, and whether the patient can endure Sawm or not. The patient, in this case, will have to make up for missed days after he regains ability.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
