Seeking knowledge


Q 5: Is it obligatory to have the parent's permission in order to seek obligatory knowledge? Q 6: Are there contemporary narrators who have continuous chains of transmission that can be traced back to the Prophet (peace be upon him) or to one of the scholars of Hadith? Would you please inform us of their names and addresses so we can obtain knowledge from them?Q 7: Is it permissible to obtain knowledge and Ijazah (authorization) from a scholar who does Bid`ahs (innovations in religion) and issues Fatwas (legal opinions issued by a qualified Muslim scholar) unjustly?Finally, if you are among the narrators who have a continuous chain of transmission that can be traced back to Imam Malik we wish you would write your Ijazah showing this chain. Many thanks for your efforts.

A: Seeking knowledge which is necessary for the soundness of Iman (Faith) and the performance of the religious obligations does not require the parent's permission. You should only seek your parents' permission when seeking knowledge is regarded as a collective obligation.Some scholars have a continuous chain of transmission that can be traced back to the scholars of Hadith. However, this chain is worthless as it is lengthy and includes many narrators whose good character and memory are unknown. (Part No. 12; Page No. 79) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!
