Selling water in small bottles for Ruqyah


Q: Your Eminence, may Allah protect you, there is something common among many of those who practice Ruqyah (reciting Qur'an and saying supplications over the sick seeking healing) upon the sick, the epileptic and the possessed people. I would like to inquire about it to know and let other people know its permissibility and whether it is a part of Ruqyah or not. Most of them recite Ruqyah on a big container full of water and then pour this water in small vessels and place them in packages in order for them to be sold to people. The problem is that the reciter reads on a lot of water and does not read on each vessel or on each small pot. I hope, may Allah protect you, that you will explain the permissibility of this act and whether it is part of the legal Ruqyah or not? What is the standard applied to determine the amount of water?I would like to inform you about another phenomenon which is widespread among those who practice Ruqyah, which is collecting many sick people in one chamber in which there is a loudspeaker and the reciter recites on those sick or epileptic people through the loudspeaker. The problem is, nothing from the salvia of the reciter reaches those sick (Part No. 1; Page No. 88) people and there is no direct connection with the place of sickness exactly as if they were listening to the Qur'an from a cassette. Could you kindly explain the permissibility of this act in order to benefit Islam and Muslims?May Allah reward you with the best!

A: The permissibility of using Ruqyah as treatment is proved by the Prophet's acts, sayings and approval. Muslims agreed unanimously that it is permissible provided that three conditions are fulfilled:1. The Ruqyah must be with Allah's Words (Exalted be He) or with the prescribed supplications.2. It should be composed of words of Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) and Du`a' (supplication) recited in Arabic or any other understandable language.3. The reciter and the sick must believe that Ruqyah is just a means which has no effect on its own except with the Will of Allah.The person who practices Ruqyah should recite and blow on the sick whether he was practicing Ruqyah himself or someone is doing it for him. He may recite Qur'an on water and make the sick drink from as it is reported in the chapter on Medicine, Sunan Abu Dawud through a good Sanad (chain of narration) that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) entered on Thabit ibn Qays -Ahmad added: while he was sick- So, he said: Remove the sickness, O Lord of mankind, from Thabit ibn Qays ibn Shammas. He then took some dust of But-han (a valley in Madinah), put it in a bowl, then mixed it with water, blew in it, and poured it on him. (Part No. 1; Page No. 89) This is the Hadith reported concerning reciting Qur'an on water and giving it to the sick to drink from. As for reciting on water and then pouring it in a pool or tank for general Ruqyah or practicing Ruqyah through loudspeakers, this was not reported from the Prophet (peace be upon him) and has no evidence. It is against the legitimate Ruqyah because it must be made directly over the sick or through a little water drunk by the sick. The general rule is to confine oneself to what was reported from the Prophet (peace be upon him).May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
