Shaves his beard, lets his moustache


Q 1: What stance should I take towards my parents, relatives, neighbors and colleagues who neglect some of the Islamic rituals or abandon them completely, knowing that I advise them? How should I deal with them?

A: In your question, you do not specify the rituals which they sometimes neglect or abandon completely. The ritual may be regarded as a basic principle, pillar or Sunnah in Islam. Your attitude towards them varies according to the level of significance of the rituals and according to the degree of relationship.In all cases, if you are talking about your parents, you should continue advising and encouraging them to do the rituals they neglect or abandon and do so with wisdom and good instruction. You can follow the example of Ibrahim (Abraham, peace be upon him) when he called his father to Tawhid (monotheism). You may not obey them regarding anything that involves disobedience of Allah (Exalted be He), and you should treat them kindly in (Part No. 12; Page No. 378) the worldly life, as Allah (Exalted be He) says: But if they (both) strive against you to make you join in worship with Me others that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not; but behave with them in the world kindly, and follow the path of him who turns to Me in repentance and in obedience. With regard to other people including your relatives, neighbors and colleagues, you can also advise them with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. If one of them responds to you, treat him like your brother in Islam. However, if anyone refuses, you should desert and not incline toward him when he abandons a basic principle, a pillar or one of the approved obligations in Islam. If the ritual he neglects or abandons is regarded as a Sunnah, you should not desert him; rather, cooperate with him and strive to guide him to do this ritual, as everyone except those whom Allah has protected may be in his place.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!


Salah Al Hashem