Shaykh Hasan Al-Saqqaf


Q 1: My question is about Shaykh Hasan ibn `Aly Al-Saqqaf, who printed a book entitled "Tanaqudat Al-Albany Al-Wadihat Fima Waqa` Lahu fi Tas-hih Al-Ahadith wa Tad`ifiha min Akhta' wa Ghalatat, (Clear Contradictions concerning the Faults of Al-Albany in Ranking Hadiths as Da`if (weak) and Sahih (authentic)", Part 2, printed in Dar Imam Al-Nawawy in Jordan. I hope you will clarify whether (Part No. 11; Page No. 20) Shaykh Hasan ibn `Aly Al-Saqqaf is one of the recommended knowledgeable scholars or not, and whether or not we can rely on these books and their contents?

A: It is well-known that the abovementioned person has some faults in his `Aqidah (creed) that we came to know through the falsehoods he published in his books on `Aqidah. We have not read the mentioned book, so we cannot judge it until we are acquainted with it, and Allah knows best.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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