Should an eleven-year-old girl,


A: Both sane males and females reach the age of Taklif by attaining puberty. Once a person attains puberty and they are sane, they reach the age of Taklif and are required to follow all the rulings of Shar` (Islamic law) that they can follow. This applies to both males and females; each with regard to things relating to them. There are some signs for attaining puberty such as menstruation and pregnancy with regard to females, even when this happens before the age of fifteen. Other signs for attaining puberty are discharging semen with passion in sleep or wakefulness regarding both males and females even when this happens before the age of fifteen. Other signs are that a boy or a girl becomes fifteen years of age or their coarse pubic hair starts to appear.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
