Singling out some children to receive a portion of the wealth before distributing it


Q: Rif`ah bint Muhammad `Abdul `Aziz Al-Dusary died and left behind four sons: `Aydah, Saleh, `Ubayd, `Abdullah and five daughters: Fatimah, Quwayt, Badi`ah, Hamala and Hibah. Badi`ah and Hamala used to work with (Part No. 16; Page No. 448) the late mother Rif`ah who intended to give them some gifts from her property in return for their services. Is it permissible to single out the two daughters to receive a portion of the wealth before distributing it?

A: After repaying any debts of the deceased mother and executing her will if there is any, the estate should be divided among the inheritors; each according to their prescribed share. None of the heirs should be singled out for a gift in return for serving their mother as serving her is a part of the Islamic obligation to show kind treatment to one's parents; an act whose reward should be expected only from Allah (Exalted be He). May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions.


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