Spouses agreeing on staying away from each other for certain time


Companionship The first question of Fatwa no. 1545 Please, tell me about the religious ruling on traveling abroad for a year or more, leaving one's wife home, in order to provide for one's family. Please, bear in mind that there are others who travel abroad not merely for such a reason; rather, they do so in order to build palaces, buy cars, and provide other worldly luxuries. (Part No. 19; Page No. 163) Undoubtedly, such a long absence might lead to committing adultery by the man or the woman, we ask Allah's guidance and success.

A: If the two spouses come to accord on this travel for a long or short period, when chastity is observed, it will be unobjectionable. However, if one of them fears the consequences of departure although it is necessary for making a living, s/he may ask from the other spouse his right to being together so as to observe chastity and not to commit adultery. If such a request is refused, the one fearing this may bring the case to the court to judge between them according to Shari`ah (Islamic law). However, committing adultery does not necessarily follow as a result of staying without one's spouse even for along period. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Good morals and sinfulness