Swearing 15 times not to give his daughter in marriage to someone and then changing his mind


Q 1: I would like to inform Your Eminence that my brother asked made a proposal to have my daughter get married to his son and I agreed. After nearly two years and before concluding the marriage, my brother changed his mind and made a proposal for my second daughter to the same son. I felt angry and swore fifteen times by Allah, the Greatest, that I will never marry my daughter to his son; out of anger because my brother went back on his previous proposal and asked for the hand of my second daughter without any reason. Now a number of my brothers have asked me to seek a Fatwa (legal opinion issued by a qualified Muslim scholar) in this regard. So, should I offer Kaffarah (expiation) for my mentioned oaths or not?

A 1: There is nothing wrong if you give your daughter to your nephew in marriage. You must offer one Kaffarah (expiation) for your (fifteen) oaths, which is to feed ten needy persons, each one of them to receive one half a Sa` (1 Sa`=3 kg. Approx.) of the staple food in the country, provide them with clothes or set free a believing bondsman. If you cannot do any of these things, you are to fast for three days. One Kaffarah is sufficient for all these oaths as they were for one matter.Allah is the Grantor of success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions!
