Swearing by the Mus-haf not to do something and doing it


Q: A person went to work in Saudi Arabia, but he remained jobless for three months, after which he worked as a doorman for a contractor. However, the contractor treated him badly, causing him to become (Part No. 23; Page No. 81) depressed and he swore by the Mus-haf (copy of the Qur'an) not to work as a doorman again, even for his own brother. Because his health cannot endure any other kind of work, he was forced to work as the doorman of a building and he is still working as such. What is the ruling on his oath? What is its Kaffarah (expiation)?

A: If the reality is as you have mentioned, this person must offer a Kaffarah for the oath, which is to feed ten Miskins (needy persons), or to clothe them, or to free a believing slave. If he finds this beyond his means, he must observe Sawm (Fast) for three days.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Voluntary charity (alms)