Swearing his wife will be Haram to him if he ever smoked hookah again


Q: About eight months ago, I used to smoke hookah, but one night I vomited due to it, so I swore by Allah not to smoke it again until I had accomplished the purpose I had in mind, and then shortly after I said, “May Allah make my wife Haram (forbidden) to me if I smoke it before I have completed the purpose I have in mind.” (Part No. 20; Page No. 85) The purpose I intended was to repair my farm and house. However, up to now, I have not finished repairing my farm. One night recently, I agreed to meet some workers in a cafe. I waited for them for about two hours, during which time people around me were smoking hookahs. I could not control myself, and so, after a long struggle with myself, I asked for a hookah. Would you please give me the ruling on this as soon as possible. If I smoke it again, will I be committing a sin, as I may not be able to give it up?

A: First: It is not permissible for you to smoke a hookah, because it is noxious and causes health, social, and economic harms. There are proofs that confirm this. Second: You have to make Kaffarah (expiation) for your oath to deem your wife Haram to you if you smoke the hookah again, and for swearing by Allah not to smoke it again. Such forbidding of what is lawful comes under the ruling of broken oaths. The Kaffarah for it is done by feeding ten poor people, each of whom will receive half a Sa‘ (1 Sa‘ = 2.172 kg) of the usual food of your country, such as rice or the like. We advise you to exercise caution against smoking hookah again, or obeying your desires or Satan, and to avoid bad company. May Allah guide you and protect you from the evil of yourself and the devil. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, and his family and his Companions.


There is no God but Allah