Swearing not to sin and breaking the oath


Q: A young man would continuously offer sincere Tawbah (repentance) to Allah for 6 six years, but again would revert to disobeying Allah. The committed sin was not a major one, but every time he would repent, he could not find the strong will to continue persistently. Therefore, he brought the Noble Book of Allah, put his hands over it, and swore by Allah and the Noble Book not to repeat the act once more. Nevertheless after a while, he returned back again. Last time, he did this and regretted it deeply, and offered Du`a' (supplication) to Allah shedding tears of pain fully intending to repent. Given that during these periods, he maintained his Salah (prayer), will his Tawbah (repentance) be accepted? What is the ruling of Shari`ah (Islamic law) on this?

A: First: If the reality is as mentioned, his Tawbah is valid and we hope that Allah (Part No. 24; Page No. 363) will accept it, and protect him in the future from returning to sin. Second: The young man in question should offer a (Kaffarah) expiation of an oath which is feeding ten needy persons, each half a Sa`(1 Sa` = 2.172 kg) of rice, wheat or the like, clothing them or freeing a believing bondsman. But if he is unable to do this, he is to fast for three days. Third: None has the right to take an oath by the Qur'an. We must follow the Qur'an, honor it and believe that it is the Word of Allah (Glorified be He), because these are all our actions and creatures are not to swear by themselves or their acts. Therefore, swearing should be by Allah (Glorified be He), or any of His Names and Attributes. The Prophet (peace be upon him) stated: "Anyone who has to take an oath should swear by Allah or remain silent." (i.e. He should not swear by other than Allah.) May Allah grant us success. May peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions!


The misery and unhappiness of being far from the road of happiness