Tawassul through the Messenger and Awliya'


Q 3: A dispute arose between a person and me. This person has memorized the Qur'an and has already performed Hajj to the Sacred House of Allah. The debate went as follows: I said: Making Tawassul (supplicating to Allah through a means) by the status of the Prophet and pious people is permissible as I have read in the book titled: "Al-Fawz wa Al-Najah fi Al-Hijrah ila Allah". He replied: It is impermissible to make Tawassul by any creature because Allah says: And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge). Allah doesn't need a mediator of any kind. Whoever makes Tawassul by Prophets or pious people is considered a Mushrik (one who associates others with Allah in worship). He also repeated, "God forbid!", many times in Moroccan dialect "what can Muhammad give you; we are the ones who help him by invoking blessings upon him." Is it Riddah (apostasy) to utter such words or not? What about the formula of beseeching Allah's help by means of the Messenger or the Prophet as I have mentioned, is it lawful?

A: The case of the man you mentioned who rebukes people who seek help from the Prophet (peace be upon him) after his death or make Tawassul by his status saying: "what can Muhammad give you; we are the ones who help him by invoking blessings on him", is extremely indecent and improper (Part No. 1; Page No. 514) for a Muslim to say. He repels and hinders people from listening to his advice or benefiting from his knowledge but he didn't commit Riddah because he did not mean to insult the Prophet (peace be upon him) or underestimate him. He only meant to make those who seek help with the Messenger (peace be upon him) to understand that after the Prophet's death, he (peace be upon him) has no power to bring good or prevent harm. But he did not use the proper wording. Of course, he did not mean to count favors over the Prophet (peace be upon him) by invoking blessings on him. He only wanted to explain that he is just a servant of Allah and His Messenger. We should admit his Message and his high status without elevating him to the status of Rububiyyah (Lordship) or Uluhiyyah (Godhood) through making Du`a' (supplication) to him and seeking his help. This is one of the powers of Allah Alone but the person mentioned in question failed to express, invite, or guide to the way of Allah in wisdom and good discourse, taking into account that making Du`a' to the Prophet and seeking his help or any help from any Prophets or pious people are acts of Al-Shirk-ul-Akbar (major form of associating others in worship with Allah). As for making Tawassul by his status or his rights, it is not an act of Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship) but a Bid`ah (innovation in religion) and one of the means which leads to Shirk that a person should abandon. What is permissible for Muslims is to seek help by Allah's Names, Attributes, Oneness, Belief in Him and by good deeds which draw them closer to their Lord.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
