Tawbah of watching porn movies


Q: I am a student in the third year of my secondary school and I am currently living the most critical phase of my life i.e. adolescence. To get to the point, we have two televisions at home; one in each room. I am thus always surrounded by such televisions whenever I am at home. I keep watching foreign porn movies which are displayed on television. Not only that. I do what is worse and go to cinemas to watch many movies with lewd scenes that the television does not broadcast. Nevertheless, I continue performing congregational Salah (Prayer) at the Masjid (mosque) on time. I also recite Qur'an and read many religious books. I feel remorse after watching such films and intend to repent but soon afterwards I see a film advertisement and I hasten to watch it.Respected shaykh, I hope that you will take an interest in my letter and answer me quickly. Please direct me to the right way that will help me give up such a bad habit that many Muslim young men indulge in today. (Part No. 26; Page No. 281

A: If the reality is exactly as what you have mentioned, it will be Wajib (obligatory) for you to make sincere Tawbah (repentance) to Allah from what you are afflicted with i.e. looking at Haram scenes that the television displays and watching porn movies. This will keep you away from temptations and help you avoid wasting your time so that you will be able to fulfill your duties towards your Lord and family. Abandoning such a practice will also aid you to look after your studies that will benefit you in matters relating to your Din (religion) and worldly affairs. In order to be able to give up such a practice, you have to seek help from Allah. Also, accompanying righteous friends is positively effective in this regard. On the other hand, you have to praise Allah Alone for guiding you to perform Salah at the Masjid with the congregation. However, it is not sufficient that you pray at the Masjid for there are many other duties of Islam and life. We are afraid that when you persist in such a sin it may lead you to other sorts of disobedience until the evil side of yourself overcomes the good one. You have to fear Allah regarding keeping yourself. You have to have strong determination to avoid ways of distraction and means of evil for hopefully Allah will help you control your desires and make sincere Tawbah.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.

