The animal slaughtered by a drunkard


Q 1: It is known that Allah (Glorified be He) has made the food and the animals slaughtered by the Christians lawful for Muslims. Is it permissible to eat the meat of an animal slaughtered by a person who is an alcoholic; whether he is a Christian or a Muslim? It should be noted that the Injil (Gospel) itself prohibits Christians from drinking Khamr (intoxicants). (Part No. 22; Page No. 420

A: It is impermissible to eat the flesh of animals that were slaughtered by someone who is drunk if the slaughter is carried out when the person is in a state of drunkenness. This is so because of the absence of their intellect. Therefore, they are not eligible to slaughter animals.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
