The association will hold a competition about


Q: Please be advised that the Charitable Saudi Institution for Helping the Handicapped Children provides free services for this category of children. They depend financially on the donations of charitable people in the country. As the cost of providing such services increases on an annual basis, due to the increase in the number of the children who come to the institution, the administration is keen on increasing their resources in the most suitable way, in order to be able to continue their humanitarian mission. Thus, the institution held a competition during the Fourth Charity Market to introduce their humanitarian activities and, at the same time, generate income to support their financial resources. However, some Muslim brothers claimed that this competition is impermissible. We would like to know the opinion of Your Eminence and the ruling on this, given that the competition is about selling cards for five Riyals (Part No. 15; Page No. 186) which contain questions about the activities of the institution. Those who buy them have the right to take part in the competition, the awards are donated by a number of national companies and institutions which are not members in the Charity Market. Please advise whether it is permissible to hold the competition in the mentioned way, to resolve our doubts.

A: It is impermissible to hold the mentioned competition, because it is a form of gambling; the participants pay a little sum of money hoping that they might win a big prize. This is absolute gambling. A person who wants to donate something to the institution should do so seeking the reward of Allah. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
