The books that discuss the secrets of the souls and the treatment of wild whims


The second question of Fatwa no. 14368 A: What are the most important books that discuss the secrets of the souls and the treatment of wild whims, and who are the most important authors in this respect?

A: One of the best books in this respect is the one written by Ibn Al-Jawzy (may Allah be merciful to him). He was a preacher who thoroughly explored the souls. He wrote a book entitled "Talbis Iblis" (Entanglements of the Devil) in which he discussed the ways that the devil uses to entangle humans in whims and suspicions. Ibn Al-Jawzy (may Allah be merciful to him) really excelled in this book. Moreover, there is a book entitled "Ighathat-ul-Lahfan min Maka'id Al-Shaytan (Relieving the Distressed from the Stratagems of the Devil) by Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah be merciful to him), which discusses (Part No. 11; Page No. 19) a valuable subject. It is summarized by Shaykh `Abdullah ibn `Abdul-Rahman Ababtin in "Mukhtasar Al-Ighathah (The Summary of the Relief of the Distressed)" and many other books.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
