The continuation of blood after Taharah due to taking pills


Q: I use contraceptive pills especially in Ramadan in order to maintain the state of Taharah (ritual purity) during Ramadan. Having taken them only in the middle of the month of Sha`ban, my menstrual period started at the beginning of Ramadan and lasted for six days after which I performed post-menstruation Ghusl (full ritual bath) so that I can resume the state of Taharah and observe Sawm (Fast) for the remainder of Ramadan. To my surprise, two days later I noticed some blood drops and secretions that are different in color and texture form menstrual blood. Please, be informed that I have an intrauterine device and that I kept observing Sawm even during the days when the blood drops were seen. Should I make up for these days?

A: If the matter is as you have mentioned, your Sawm and Salah (Prayer) are valid. As for the blood drops and secretions you noticed after your menstruation is over, these are not of your menstruation blood. However, under such a condition, you should perform Wudu' (ablution) for each Salah as the case with Istihadah (abnormal vaginal bleeding outside the menstrual or postpartum period) and urinary incontinence.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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