The Hadith: 'Allah revealed to Dawud, 'By My Glory, no servant seeks protection with Me (Alone), and not with any of My creatures...''


Q: I read a Hadith Qudsy (Revelation from Allah in the Prophet’s words) in the book entitled “Minhaj Al-Salihin min Ahadith wa Sunnat Khatam Al-Anbia’ wa Al-Mursalin” by ‘Iz Al-Din Bulayq. It is mentioned under the chapter on Divine Hadith and it is as follows: “Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) revealed to Dawud (David): By My Glory, no servant seeks protection with Me (Alone), and not with any of My creatures, I know that from his intention, and the heavens and whatever is in them and the earths and whatever is in them conspire against him, but I shall give him from that a way out. And no servant seeks protection with a creature, instead of Me, I know that from his intention, but I will cut all means of heaven from between his hands and remove earth from beneath his feet (i.e., no earth to stand on). And no servant obeys Me, but I shall give him before he asks Me, answer him before He calls on Me, and forgive him before he seek forgiveness from Me.” Related by Tammam, Ibn ‘Asakir and Al-Daylamy on the authority of `Abdul-Rahman ibn Ka`b from his father.According to what is mentioned in the introduction of this book, the author claims that he does not relate controversial Hadiths and he excludes Da‘if (weak) and Mawdu‘ (fabricated) Hadiths. (Part No. 4; Page No. 474) So, we considered it a reliable book but after a while I read in the book entitled “Silsilat Al-Ahadith Al-Da‘ifah wa Al-Mawdu‘ah” by Al-Albany that this Hadith is Mawdu‘. Therefore, I would like to know the degree of authenticity of this Hadith? Can we narrate it or not? What is your opinion on the book entitled “Minhaj Al-Salihin”, is it a reliable book of Hadith? Also, what is your opinion on the book entitled “Silsilat Al-Ahadith Al-Da‘ifah wa Al-Mawdu‘ah” by Al-Albany? I appreciate your guidance, may Allah reward you.

A: The Hadith you mentioned is Mawdu‘ (fabricated) as Shaykh Muhammad Nasir Al-Albany pointed out because its Sanad (chain of narrators) includes Yusuf ibn Al-Safar who was known for fabricating Hadiths. Hence, it is clear that “Minhaj Al-Salihin” includes sound and unsound Hadiths, so it is not a reliable book of Hadith. As for the book “Silsilat Al-Ahadith Al-Da‘ifah wa Al-Mawdu‘ah”, its author was encyclopedic in the science of Hadith, skilled in analyzing and verifying whether they were sound or weak but sometimes he had some mistakes.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


It is the word of Allah