The Hadith: 'Last night, my Lord came to me in the best shape'


Q: It was mentioned in the Islamic Researches Magazine, issue no. 39, Rabi` Al-Awwal, Rabi` Al-Akhir, Jumada Al-Ula, Jumada Al-Akhirah, 1414 A.H., p. 93, The first question of Fatwa no.5957: Following is the Hadith quoted by Shaykh Nasir Al-Din Al-Albany when he edited "Al-Jami` Al-Saghir wa Zyadatuh" by Al-Hafizh Al-Suyuty. The Hadith states the following: My Lord (Blessed and Exalted be He) came to me this night in the best shape and said to me, 'O Muhammad, (Part No. 3; Page No. 283) do you know about what the chief angels on high differ?' I said, 'No.' He put His Hand between my shoulders until I felt the coolness of His Hand on my chest. Consequently, everything became clear to me and I had knowledge. (Related by Al-Tirmidhy and Imam Ahmad on the authority of Ibn `Abbas) Is this Sahih (authentic) Hadith? Please explain this Hadith in detail. As-salamu `alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuh (May Allah's Peace, Mercy, and Blessings be upon you).

A: It was mentioned by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad (Hadith compilation) that `Abdullah reported on the authority of his father from Abu Sa`id, the servant of Banu Hashim, from Jahdam i.e. Al-Yamamy, from Yahya ibn Abu Kathir, from Zayd ibn Abu Sallam, from Abu Sallam, i.e. Zayd ibn Sallam ibn Abu Sallam who was named after his grandfather, that `Abdul-Rahman ibn `Ayyash Al-Hadramy narrated to him from Malik ibn Yakhamir that Mu`adh ibn Jabal said: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) stayed at home one day and did not go out to offer the Fajr (Dawn) Prayer until the sun almost rose. Then he came out and offered Salah (Prayer) quickly. After Salah, he asked us to remain in our places, and then he said to us, 'I will tell you what made me late. I stayed up to offer Salah at night, and I fell asleep while I was offering Salah. When I woke up, I saw My Lord (Glorified and Exalted be He) in the best shape. He said to me, 'O Muhammad, do you know about what the chief angels on high differ?' I said, O Allah, I have no idea.' He put His Palm between my shoulders until I felt (Part No. 3; Page No. 284) the coolness of His fingertips on my chest. Consequently, everything became clear to me and I had knowledge.' He asked me, 'O Muhammad, do you know about what the chief angels on high differ?' I said, 'About Kaffarahs (expiations).' He said, 'What are Kaffarahs?' I said, 'Walking to join the congregational Salahs, sitting in the Masjid (mosque) after Salahs, and performing Wudu' (ablution) thoroughly when it is cold.' He asked me, 'What are the degrees?' I said, 'Feeding the needy, lenient speech and offering Salah while people are asleep.' He said, 'Ask Me anything.' I said, 'O Allah, I ask You to help me do good deeds and abstain from evil ones, grant me the love of needy people, forgive me and have mercy on me. And if it is Your Will that you put some people to a trial (of faith), make me die without being put to that trial. I ask You to grant me Your Love, the love of those who love You, and the love of deeds that bring me closer to Your Love.' The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) then said, 'These words are true, so memorize and learn them.'" (Musnad of Imam Ahmad, vol. 5, p. 243). It was also related by Al-Tirmidhy who said this Hadith is Hasan Sahih (a Hadith that stands at a higher level than a mere Hasan Hadith, but at a bit lower level than Sahih). He asked Muhammad ibn Isma`il (i.e. Al-Bukhari) about it and he said it is Sahih. The doctrine of the Salaf (righteous predecessors) regarding Hadiths related to Allah's Attributes is accepting them as they are, without Takyif (descriptive designation of Allah's Attributes), Tashbih (comparison), Ta`til (denial of Allah's Attributes) or Ta'wil (allegorical interpretation). We must believe in them along with a strong conviction that there is nothing like Allah; and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer. (Part No. 3; Page No. 285) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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