The Hadith: 'Zamzam water is for whatever it is drunk for'


Q 35: It is true that: Zamzam water is for whatever (purpose) it is drunk for" and "Surah Ya-Sin is for whatever it is recited for"? Are these authentic Hadiths?

A: First: The Hadith: Zamzam water is for whatever it is drunk for is Hadith Mashhur (well-known Hadith; a Hadith that is reported by three or more narrators in each chain of narration, but does not reach the level of Mutawatir) related by Imam Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Al-Bayhaqy, and others from the Hadith reported from Jabir ibn `Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him and his father) as Hadith Marfu` (a Hadith narrated from the Prophet with a connected or disconnected chain of narration). A more authentic Hadith is that related by Muslim in his Sahih from Abu Dhar (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said about Zamzam water: Verily, it is blessed (water). It is food that nourishes. Abu Dawud related it through an authentic Isnad (chain of narrators) with the additional part: ...And a cure for illnesses. .Second: The Hadith: "Surah Ya-Sin is for whatever it recited for" has no origin.
