The Hadiths: 'Do not make water the end of your meal' and 'We judge by what is apparent and Allah judges what is inwardly hidden'


Q 7: The following are two Hadiths attributed to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him): “Do not make water the end of your meal” and “We judge by what is apparent and Allah judges what is inwardly hidden.” We looked for them in the reference books of the Sirah (the Prophet’s biography) and the Sunnah (whatever is reported from the Prophet), but could not find them. Please advise us regarding their authenticity.

A: Firstly: Concerning the Hadith, “Do not make water the end of your meal”, we could not find it after looking in the most likely references and it appears to be Mawdu‘ (fabricated Hadith). Secondly: Concerning the Hadith, “We judge by what is apparent and Allah judges what is inwardly hidden”, was mentioned in: "Kashf Al-Khafa’ wa-Muzil Al-Ilbas ‘amma Ishtahara min Al-Ahadith ‘ala Alsinat Al-Nas", with the following wording: (Part No. 4; Page No. 467) “I have been ordered to judge by the apparent and Allah judges the inward.” Al-‘Iraqy asserted that there is no basis to this report with this wording, as did Al-Mizzy and others, but the meaning is given in many Hadith. You can refer to "Kashf Al-Khafa'" for further elaboration. There is a famous Hadith on the authority of Um Salamah related in the Two Sahih (authentic) Books of Hadith (i.e. Al-Bukhari and Muslim) that indicates this meaning.
