The Hadiths: 'Fitnah is asleep. May Allah the Curse of Allah be upon the one who wakes it up' and 'Stay away from verdure growing in manure'


Q 3: What is the ruling on the authenticity of these two Hadiths: Fitnah (sedition or turmoil) is asleep (dormant). May the Curse of Allah be upon the one who wakes it up (stirs it up). And: 'Stay away from Khadra' Al-Diman (i.e. Verdure growing in manure).' It was asked, 'O Messenger of Allah, what is Khadra' Al-Diman?' He (peace be upon him) replied, 'A beautiful woman of a bad origin.' ?

A: The Hadith that reads: Fitnah is asleep. May the Curse of Allah be upon the one who wakes it up is mentioned by Al-`Ajluny, the author of Kashf Al-Khafa' who mentioned that Al-Najm said: "Al-Rafi`y related it in His book Al-Amaly from Anas." It was also related by Al-Suyuty in Al-Jami` Al-Saghir who ranked it as weak.The Hadith that reads: "Stay away from Khadra' Al-Diman" is related by Al-Daraqutny, Al-`Askary, Ibn `Ady and Al-Quda`y and others. Al-Daraqutny said: "There is no authentic narration of it."May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
