The Hadiths: 'The worst among you is the one who does not get married' and 'Anyone who has the means to marry but he does not do so is not of my follo


Q 2: What is the degree of authenticity of these two Hadiths: "The worst among you is the one who does not get married" And: Anyone who has the means to marry but he does not do so is not of my followers. ?

A: The Hadith reported from the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) with the wording: "The worst among you is the one who does not get married" is part of a long Hadith reported by Abu Ya`la and Al-Tabarany on the authority of Abu Hurayrah with a Sanad (chain of narrators) which includes Khalid ibn Isma`il Al-Makhzumy who is Matruk (a narrator whose Hadith transmission was discarded due to unreliability). They reported the Hadith through another Da`if (weak) Sanad on the authority of `Atiyyah ibn Bishr Al-Maziny as Hadith Marfu` (a Hadith narrated from the Prophet with a connected or disconnected chain of narration). Ibn Al-Jawzy reported it in his book Al-Mawdu`at (fabricated Hadiths), and Al-`Aqily reported it in his book Al-Du`afa' (weak narrators). Ibn Mandah said that the Sanad of this Hadith includes Mu`awiyah ibn Yahya who is a weak narrator, and Baqiyyah ibn Al-Walid and Muslim ibn Al-Walid who are Mudallis (a Hadith narrator who provides misleading information about his shaykh or the chain of narration). In his book Al-Isabah, Al-Hafizh ibn Hajar said that this Hadith has many Sanads which are all weak.As for the Hadith: Anyone who has the means to marry but remains single is not of my followers. Ibn Ma`in said that it is reported by Al-Tabarany in Al-Awsat and Al-Kabir, (Part No. 3; Page No. 222) with a Sanad that is Mursal (with no Companion of the Prophet in the chain of narration) and Hasan (good).In his book Al-Targhib and Al-Tarhib, Al-Mundhiry said that this Hadith is reported by Al-Tabarany with a Sanad that is Hasan and by Al-Bayhaqy, and that it is Mursal. Ibn Hajar said in Al-Fat-h that this Hadith is reported by Al-Darimy and Al-Bayhaqy on the authority of Ibn Abu Najih. Ibn Hajar affirmed that this Hadith is Mursal. It is also mentioned by Al-Baghawy in Mu`jam Al-Sahabah.The Mursal falls under the same ruling as the Da`if, and so cannot be taken as an evidence.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
