The interpretation of the Ayah: quot;Thus We have made you a just nation, that you be witnesses over mankindquot;


Q 4: Allah (Exalted be He) says: Thus We have made you a Wasat (just) (and the best) nation, that you be witnesses over mankind What is the kind of witness the Muslim Ummah (nation based on one creed) will bear before its Creator on the Day of Resurrection? What is its wording and how will it be made? A: The Noble Ayah (Qur'anic verse) means that Allah (Exalted be He) has chosen this Ummah and made it good and just. He (Glorified be to Him) has bestowed on it knowledge, meekness, justice and kindness in a way that no other Ummah was given before. Thus, the Muslim Ummah shall bear witness over other Ummahs due to its uprightness and adherence to justice in judgment. Only the Muslim Ummah will bear witness over people of other religions. Those it testifies to being acceptable will be accepted, and those it testifies to being rejected will be rejected. On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will ask His Messengers (peace be upon them) about whether or not they have fulfilled their duty of conveying the Divine Message revealed to them, and likewise the disbelieving Ummahs will be asked whether or not their Prophets conveyed the Messages to them. Yet, these Ummahs will claim that their Prophets did not convey the Divine Messages to them. Thus, the Prophets (peace be upon them) will ask the Muslim Ummah to witness in their favor. The Muslim Ummah will witness that the Prophets have fulfilled their duty and conveyed their Messages. This is authentically reported (Part No. 3; Page No. 151

A: The Noble Ayah (Qur'anic verse) means that Allah (Exalted be He) has chosen this Ummah and made it good and just. He (Glorified be to Him) has bestowed on it knowledge, meekness, justice and kindness in a way that no other Ummah was given before. Thus, the Muslim Ummah shall bear witness over other Ummahs due to its uprightness and adherence to justice in judgment. Only the Muslim Ummah will bear witness over people of other religions. Those it testifies to being acceptable will be accepted, and those it testifies to being rejected will be rejected. On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will ask His Messengers (peace be upon them) about whether or not they have fulfilled their duty of conveying the Divine Message revealed to them, and likewise the disbelieving Ummahs will be asked whether or not their Prophets conveyed the Messages to them. Yet, these Ummahs will claim that their Prophets did not convey the Divine Messages to them. Thus, the Prophets (peace be upon them) will ask the Muslim Ummah to witness in their favor. The Muslim Ummah will witness that the Prophets have fulfilled their duty and conveyed their Messages. This is authentically reported (Part No. 3; Page No. 151) in Sahih Al-Bukhari. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
