The Kaffarah of having sexual intercourse


Q: It is of common knowledge that the ruling on whoever has sexual intercourse with his wife during the daytime of Ramadan is to emancipate a believing slave, fasting for two consecutive months or feed sixty poor persons.The question is: (Part No. 10; Page No. 321) 1. If the man has sexual intercourse with his wife more than once on different days, will he be obliged to fast two months as an expiation for each day on which he broke his Sawm, or that one-time expiation will be sufficient for any number of days on which he did that act?2.If the husband who did that act is ignorant of the religious ruling on this question, and that he only thought he would make up for each missed day with one in return, what is the ruling accordingly?3.Does the same ruling apply to the wife as well?4.Is it permissible for the husband to pay money instead of feeding poor people?5.Is the husband permitted to feed one poor person as Kaffarah (expiation) for him and his wife?6.If the husband cannot find sixty poor persons to feed, is it permissible for him to pay equal money for a charitable organization, such as the Al-Birr Society in Riyadh or any other charitable organization?

A: Cases when observing expiatory Sawm (Fast) becomes obligatory: Firstly, if the said husband had intercourse with his wife in the daytime of Ramadan once or more during the daytime of Ramadan, then he is obliged to make one Kaffarah (expiation). If he does not expiate for the first time of his intercourse and then repeats this reprehensible act on different days of Ramadan, he will have to make more than one Kaffarah according to the number of missed days. Secondly, it is incumbent upon him to offer Kaffarah albeit his ignorance on the ruling concerned. Thirdly, the wife is subject to the same ruling if she was a willing partner to involve in sexual intercourse. If she is forced to do so, she will not be to blame. Fourthly, it is not permissible for the said husband to expiate with money instead of feeding; it will not count if he does. Fifthly, it is permissible for him to feed one poor person with half a Sa` (1 Sa`=3 kg. Approx.) for him and the same for his wife; this person is regarded as one from the sixty poor person he should feed. (Part No. 10; Page No. 322) Finally: It is not permissible to pay the money of Kaffarah for just one poor person or to Al-Birr Society or any other organization, because there is a possibility that such money will not be used in feeding sixty poor persons. It is of utmost importance for the believer to be keen that his duty is discharged from any expiation and other obligations.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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