The share of the inheritance of the full brother's sons in the presence of a half brother


Q: My father's full brother, `Abd Al-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn Gharamah Al-Asmary, died. The heirs are the sons of his two full brothers who are `A'id ibn `Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Gharamah, Sa`d ibn `Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Gharamah, Ahmad ibn `A'id ibn Muhammad ibn Gharamah, Salim ibn `A'id ibn Muhammad ibn Gharamah and `Abd Al-Rahman's half brother from the father, `Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Gharamah. These are all his heirs. Please answer my question: Does his inheritance go to us, the sons of his two full brothers or to his half brother from the father? May Allah reward you!

A: If the case is as you mentioned, the will of `Abd Al-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn Gharamah must be executed and his debts repaid first. Anything that remains after that goes to `Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Gharamah, his half brother from the father. The nephews receive nothing since the presence of their uncle `Abdullah excludes them. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
