The Social Security


Q 1: When my mother died, she had social security pension that was received two months after her death. The social security officials checked her when she was alive and healthy. However, a few months later she became ill and she died (may Allah be merciful with her). I needed that money at that time, as I was jobless, but I have a job now, praise be to Allah. Can I give this sum of money as a Sadaqah (voluntary charity) on her behalf? I intend to use this money in digging a well to be a Sadaqah Jariyah (ongoing charity) on her behalf. Is this money Halal (lawful)? Given that it was one of her daughters who received the money claiming to be hers. Please advise, may Allah reward you.

A: It is the Social Security Administration that should judge in this case, as they have better knowledge of the relevant laws. If they give you the permission to pay the money as Sadaqah, it will be permissible for you to do so; otherwise, you should return it to them, unless the sum of money was given for some months before her death. In this case, it should be distributed among all the heirs.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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