The will including transferred money


Q: Does the following will include the movable property and others or not? It states the following:Praise be to Allah Alone. Peace and blessings be upon the one after whom there is no Prophet (Prophet Muhammad). Having testified that there is no deity except Allah, and that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger who was sent with guidance and the religion of truth that it may prevail over all religions even if the polytheists detest it. I, the undersigned `Aly ibn Ahmad ibn `Abdullah Al-Khalifah, at my discretion and being mentally and physically sound, make the following will. I hereby request the distribution of one-third of my property after my death as outlined: Ahmad ibn `Abdul-`Aziz and his sister Jilyanah, the two children of my daughter Lulla, should each receive ten thousand Bahraini dinars.Fatimah and `Aishah, the daughters of my daughter Zubaydah and of Yusuf Saqr Al-Khalifah, should each receive ten thousand Bahraini dinars. Another ten thousand Bahraini dinars is to go to Qasim Muhammad Khalifah. The remaining amount is to be spent on purchasing real state in Bahrain whose revenues should go to (Part No. 16; Page No. 408) the elderly and the disabled. It will be the responsibility of the trustee of the said real estate to maintain it as necessary. I hereto set my hand and empower the persons who act as witnesses, and Allah is sufficient as a Witness. Then whoever changes the bequest after hearing it, the sin shall be on those who make the change. Truly, Allâh is All-Hearer, All-Knower. Written in 30 Muharam, 1404 AH.

A: Having discussed the will, the Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia replied as follows: It is mandatory to set aside one-third of the entire estate of the said person including his real estate, cash, etc., after having repaid all his debts. The specified shares set in the will should be given from this one-third to Ahmad ibn `Abdul-`Aziz and his sister Jilyanah, the two children of his daughter Lulla and the other children. The remaining amount should be used to purchase real estate which will represent a Waqf (endowment) in the name of `Ali. The revenues of the Waqf should be spent for maintenance purposes, if required, and on helping the elderly and the disabled. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!
