Throwing the pebbles on behalf of children


Q 2: What must a woman do who commissions her husband to throw the pebbles (at the pebble-throwing area during Hajj) on her behalf because she has two children aged four years; her husband made Ihram (the ritual state for Hajj and Umrah) on their behalf for Hajj and he likewise threw the pebbles on behalf of the children while they were at Mina at that time as they were present at Makkah Al-Mukarramah (Makkah, the Honored) during the day. As for the night, they were at Mina? May Allah reward you with the best!

A 2: There is no objection to a woman commissioning her husband to throw pebbles on her behalf if it is hard for her do so herself. There is no objection to throwing the pebbles on behalf of the children because Hajj is not Wajib (obligatory) for them at this age as attested to by the Hadith related by Ibn (Part No. 10; Page No. 182) Majah in his Sunan (Hadith compilations classified by jurisprudential themes) vol. 2, p. 101 on the authority of Jabir ibn `Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: Women and children accompanied us when we performed Hajj with the Prophet (peace be upon him). We entered into the state of Ihram and threw the pebbles on behalf of the children. It is not necessary for a wife and children to be present at Mina during the time of throwing the pebbles.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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