To allocate the worker a known


Q: A company was established in Ghana, which functions as an investment institution for people who wish to invest money of a 100,000 Cedis or more. (Part No. 14; Page No. 320) The company takes this money from them and at the end of each month, from the date of depositing, the beneficiaries (participants) come to the company and receive a 30% profit. The company claims that it invests the money that it receives from the participants and receives a monthly profit of 100%, and as it undertakes the responsibility for the workers and has to pay their salaries, it takes 70% of the profit and gives the participants the remaining 30%. For instance, if I deposit 350,000 Cedis with the company on April 4, 1995, I can go to the company on May 4, 1995 to receive a profit of 105,000 Cedis. The capital remains with the company, despite what I or the company may have taken, and this is how it works. Please advise us - and may Allah bless you - concerning the ruling on dealing with this company. When we asked those responsible what they do to get these tremendous 100% profits on every amount, they say that they trade with it. (Part No. 14; Page No. 321) We asked about the type trading, but they said it was a company secret that they could not reveal. However, a friend of mine told me that he had followed up with the manager on this matter, to the extent of going with him to his home and appealed to him by Allah, to tell him just one thing that the company does to get this profit and interest. The manger told him that one of the things that the company does is to give loans to the needy for an additional 45% on repayment. For instance, if someone takes a loan of 100,000 Cedis, they will repay it with a total of 145,000 Cedis. This is clear Riba (usury/interest). We therefore would like a Fatwa (legal opinion issued by a qualified Muslim scholar) on dealing with this company.

A: If the company that you mentioned pays participants a fixed guaranteed amount of profit, it is not permissible to deal with it as this is Riba. Permissible dealing is when each participant is to be given a known share of the profit, such as a quarter or 10%, which would be subject to increases or decreases based upon the actual profits. Similarly, if the company deals in Riba, such as giving interest-based loans, it is not permissible to participate in it, because loaning for interest is clear Riba, and Allah has declared Riba to be Haram (prohibited) and warned of the severe punishment awaiting those who deals in it. (Part No. 14; Page No. 322) Moreover, Muslims are agreed by Ijma‘ (consensus) that all types of Riba are Haram. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
