To give part of the Zakah to charitable societies


Q: This organization customarily distributes its Zakah (obligatory charity) to charity funds and centers for the memorization of Qur'an in cities within the Kingdom. Sometimes, it might also send part of this sum to the Islamic institute in London. We hope that your Eminence will inform us whether or not it is permissible to distribute Zakah outside the city where we live. Also, is it permissible to pay Zakah to charity funds and centers for the memorization of Qur'an?

A: The basic principle for Zakah money is that it should be paid to the poor of the country where the money (Part No. 9; Page No. 447) exists. The Prophet (peace be upon him) told Mu`adh when he sent him to Yemen : Tell them that Allah has enjoined upon them to offer charity (i.e. Zakah), to be taken from their rich and given to their poor However, if a person sees benefit in transferring it from the country where the money is to another; for instance if the citizens of the country to which it is transferred are more deserving, or have ties of kinship with the Zakah payer, or if other benefits can be achieved through this transfer, it is permissible to do so.As for charity funds, it is permissible to pay Zakah there only if people in charge distribute it to the qualified recipients among the poor, needy and the like.But, if they increase their expenditures in paying what is received by Zakah recipients, or charity projects and the like; it is impermissible to pay it to them; since in this case, it is not certain that the money will reach the qualified recipients.As for Qur'an memorization centers, if the Zakah payer is sure that those in charge of the center will give it to the poor students and others, this is permissible even if it is transferred from one country to another. In this instance, the benefit of transferring the money will be achieved. However, if the payer gives it for the budget of the school to be spent on the memorization of Qur'an and other branches of Islamic sciences, this is not permissible. (Part No. 9; Page No. 448) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
