Two years ago, I found a sheep


Q: One year and a half ago, I lost three goats. I received news from some people in Yemen that they had found goats which they think belong to me. These goats were delivered from one to another till they reached me. People asked me to pay two hundred Riyals for delivery and I did. I checked the goats and found that they are not mine. They were two goats, and one of them gave birth to a male goat. I searched for the owner of these goats in my tribe and the nearby ones, but I failed. Is it permissible to take possession of these goats in return for the money I paid?

A: It is impermissible for you to possess these goats so long as they are not yours. The payment for delivering the goats to you is not a good enough excuse that allows you to own them. You should return the goats to the people who handed them to you. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!
