Using toothpaste and mouthwash which include medications


Q 1: Toothpaste contains some sugar ingredients which a person tastes while using it, keeping in mind that the normal taste of food takes place by the dissolution of the food within the saliva, and then its penetration to the taste receptors. Accordingly, if the tasted matter dissolves within the saliva then, most probably, no one can avoid swallowing it. (Part No. 9; Page No. 199) A- Is it permissible for a fasting person to use toothpaste, keeping in mind that they can use the toothbrush only?B- What is the ruling on using mouthwash?C- It was reported through a good chain of transmission from Ibn ‘Abbas (Al-Irwaa', p. 937) that he (may Allah be pleased with him) did not see any harm in tasting honey, butter, and similar foods and then spitting it out while one is observing Sawm (Fast). This view was also reported from some Salaf (righteous predecessors). Thus, after knowing the way in which food is tasted, what is the ruling on tasting food by a fasting person

A: There is no harm in using toothpaste during Sawm; however, one should spit out what has been dissolved of the toothpaste in the mouth; and if something from it goes unintentionally into the throat, it will not affect Sawm. By the same token, there is no harm in using mouthwash which contains medication provided that one spits it out, and nothing from it goes intentionally into the throat. The same ruling applies to tasting food; there is no harm in doing it as long as one spits it out without swallowing anything of it.
