Visiting an aunt who does not offer Salah


Q 3: I have two paternal aunts who live together as they are not married. I am dutiful to them and have a good relationship with them, and they love me dearly. The problem is that my elder aunt does not offer Salah (Prayer), although she observes Sawm (Fast) and says Dhikr (remembrance of Allah). I have told her that Salah is the separator between Kufr (disbelief) and Iman (belief). I have also told her many of the Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Fatwas of the scholars that show that someone who abandons Salah is a Kafir (disbeliever). I have explained to her that her Sawm will not be accepted if she does not offer Salah, because Iman is one of the conditions of Sawm and someone who does not offer Salah is not considered a believer. But she still does not offer Salah. I have, thus, threatened to keep away from her and said that I would not come to her house or eat her food. However, she lives with my other aunt who offers Salah, and if I leave my elder aunt and stop visiting her, I will also be severing the ties of kinship with my younger aunt. Firstly, I hope that Your Eminence will supplicate to Allah for my aunt to guide her to start offering Salah, because I love her very much. Secondly, please tell me what to do regarding this problem. May Allah reward you!

A: Continue visiting your aunt who offers Salah, and advise your other aunt to pray, and may Allah guide her. (Part No. 25; Page No. 344) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
