Visiting graves for anyone other than women


A: (A) Visiting graves for anyone other than women is Sunnah (a commendable act) because of the Prophet's saying: Visit graves for they remind you of the hereafter. (B) It is not permissible to make Tawaf around the grave of a prophet or any other person. It is not permissible to put food whether candy or anything else at graves. The same ruling applies to cloth and money. This is considered an act of Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship) if it is meant for drawing closer to the dead whether they are prophets or not. (Part No. 1; Page No. 392) (C) What you have mentioned about the grave is not correct because the graves of prophets are not known, whether it is that of Prophet Yunus or any other prophet except for the grave of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the grave of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham, peace be upon him) in Palestine. Whoever claims that the grave of prophet Yunus or any other prophet is known, is a liar or at least believes some liars.(D) If the grave of Prophet Yunus or other prophets were known, it wouldn't be permissible to exceed the limits or draw closer to it by performing any of the acts of `Ibadah (worship). Also, it wouldn't be permissible to offer candy or pieces of cloth to it; take blessings from it, or ask its dweller for any worldly affairs because Allah (Glorified be He) says: And the mosques are for Allâh (Alone): so invoke not anyone along with Allâh. And He also says: And if Allâh touches you with harm, there is none who can remove it but He, and if He intends any good for you, there is none who can repel His Favour (E) Candy and other kinds of food which are served at graves have no specialty or blessing. It should be taken and distributed to the poor; because it is regarded as money whose owners abandoned it.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
