Vowing to fast on Mondays and Thursdays if she completes her pregnancy safely


Q: A barren woman made a vow that if she were to become pregnant, she would fast Mondays and Thursdays during her pregnancy. Yet, when she became pregnant and gave birth, she did not fast. What should she do?

A: If the woman was able to fast but did not fast, she has to make up for the missed fasts she vowed. The Mondays and Thursdays of her period of pregnancy should be counted and she has to make up for this count. Along with this, she must offer Kaffarah (expiation) for an unfulfilled oath because of her delaying the fasting she specified when making the vow. (Part No. 23; Page No. 377) The Kaffarah is feeding ten needy people, giving each one of them one and a half kilos of the usual local staple, such as rice, wheat, etc., clothing them, or freeing a believing bondsman. If these options are not affordable, she is to fast for three days. We advise her not to make vows in the future lest she should obligate herself to do something which she cannot afford and thus expose herself to a sin. The Prophet (peace be upon him) discouraged making vows and stated, Vows have nothing to do with bringing good. They are just means to get something from miserly people. (Agreed upon by Al-Bukhari and Muslim). May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Fidyah (Ransom) and Hady (Sacrifice)