Vowing to give anyone who brings the glad tidings of having a son a sum of money and forgetting to give it to the nurse


Q: When my wife was pregnant, I vowed to pay five hundred Riyals to anyone who brought me the good news that she had given birth to a boy. Thanks to Allah, my wife gave birth and a nurse gave me the news that it was a boy. At the time, I did not have the entire amount I vowed to give. Days and months passed, and my son is almost twelve years old now. Until this moment, I have not fulfilled my vow. I do not have any information about this nurse, or where she lives because it has been so long. (Part No. 23; Page No. 381) I feel worried about this matter and fear the wrath of Allah, especially now that my son is weak and suffering from disease. Sometimes I think that his illness is a result of my breaking my vow. Kindly give me the legal Fatwa in this regard.

A: You have to look for the nurse who brought you the glad tidings of having a boy and give her the money you vowed. If you cannot reach her, you can give the money in charity on her behalf and fulfill your duty towards that vow. May Allah guide us all to what is good.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
