Vowing to hold an Iftar banquet if achieving a good score


Q: When I was in my final year at school, I made a vow to hold a banquet during Ramadan if I obtained good grades in my exams. With Allah's Help, I obtained good grades, but I could neither fulfill my vow nor tell my family about it. I do not know whether I made any exceptions in my vow or not. I observed Sawm (Fast) for three days. Is it sufficient?

A: It seems that the vow you made is permissible, as you vowed that you would hold a banquet in general, not for the poor or the needy specifically or for any similar group for the sake of Allah (Exalted be He). If this is the reality, what you did is a permissible vow, whereby you have the option to fulfill it or to offer a Kaffarah (expiation) for an oath. There is nothing wrong with failing to fulfill the vow. The Kaffarah is to feed ten Miskins (needy persons), by giving each one of them half a Sa` (1 Sa`=3 kg. Approx.) of wheat, rice, or any of the staple food; (Part No. 23; Page No. 215) or provide them with clothing, or emancipate a believing slave. If any of these is not affordable, you have to observe Sawm for three days. Accordingly, your Sawm for three days, if feeding, clothing, or freeing the slave has not been affordable, is sufficient. You should pay no attention to your doubts, as certitude is not abated by doubt.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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