Vowing to slaughter a camel if he has a boy and having a girl


Q: A woman made a vow that she would slaughter a she-camel if Allah blessed her with a boy then she gave birth to a baby girl. Then her husband died and she married another husband. She gave birth to a baby boy from her second husband. Should she fulfill her vow, even if she meant a baby boy from her first not her second husband? I appreciate your advice, may Allah reward you!

A: If the reality is as mentioned, that she made a vow to slaughter a she-camel if Allah blessed her with a baby boy from her first husband and he died after she gave birth to a baby girl from him, she does not have to fulfill her vow. The reward of a deed depends on the intentions and she intended to make the vow to slaughter a she-camel if she gave birth to a baby boy from her first husband. However, her first husband died and she gave birth to a baby boy from the second husband. (Part No. 23; Page No. 257) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
