We know that the Nisab (the minimum


Q 4: What is the value of the 200 dirhams amount upon which Zakah (obligatory charity) is due? What is the amount of Zakah due on grains, and what is its Nisab (the minimum amount on which Zakah is due) of grains? If someone possesses 3 or 4 Wasqs (1 Wasq = 60 Sa`s =130,320 kg) of grain from two or more farms, is there any Zakah due on them? Is it permissible for a woman to pay her Zakah to her husband?

A: A dirham is a small silver coin that was widely used in the early years of Islam. It weighs 3 Daniqs (a silver coin equal to eight grains of barley or 0.496 grams), that is seven tenth of a Mithqal (1 Mithqal = 4.25 grams). (Part No. 9; Page No. 253) The Nisab of silver is 200 dirhams. If the amount of grain reaches the Nisab, and can be weighed and stored, then it is obligatory to give one tenth of it if it has been irrigated solely by natural sources of water. If a human effort was exerted and various tools used for irrigation, one twentieth of the amount should be paid as Zakah. If both means of irrigation are used interchangeably, three forth of the one tenth of the amount should be paid. The Nisab of grain is 5 Wasqs and 1 Wasq amounts to 60 Sa` (1 Sa`=3 kg. Approx.). If someone possesses 3 or 4 Wasqs, then there is no Zakah due on them, whether they are from one farm or more. If, however, the grain amounts to 5 Wasqs or more, then it is obligatory to pay Zakah on them, no matter how many farms they are from, and regardless of whether the grain was harvested once or twice in the year. It is permissible for a woman to pay her Zakah to her husband if he meets the conditions of those deserving to receive Zakah, as it is not obligatory for a woman to provide for her husband. The Prophet (peace be upon him) permitted the wife of `Abdullah ibn Mas`ud (may Allah be pleased with them) to pay her Zakah to her husband. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
