We stole some money without his knowledge


Q 2: Some students still have to make up for some days missed in Ramadan when the next Ramadan arrives. This means that they have to make up for these days in addition to feeding a needy person for every day. However, they want to make up for these days anywhere else, whether in Riyadh during the winter or in Abha. Is it permissible for them to feed one needy person before observing Sawm, or shall they observe Sawm and then feed people after they return to their hometown because they don't know anyone in the other cities? Is it enough to pay money? If yes, how much is required?

A: It is permissible to pay the Kaffarah (expiation) of delaying the compensation for Sawm once or separately, whether before, during, or after compensation. It is not enough to pay money instead of feeding people.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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